Geo Empower: Path to Leadership Event Scholarship is now open!

February 16-18, 2026  |  Colorado Convention Center   |  Denver, CO, USA

Speaker Details

Aevex Aerospace Lidar

Galen Scott

Galen Scott has spent over 20 years as a Federal civil servant with the National Geodetic Survey (NGS), the nation’s oldest science agency. He currently serves as the NGS Constituent Resource Manager, responsible for engaging the broad array of NGS stakeholders to help them prepare to transition to and reap the benefits of the Modernized National Spatial Reference System. This includes serving as a science translator explaining the esoteric concepts and substantial value of geodesy, soliciting feedback on NGS’ evolving suite of products and services, helping NGS incorporate that feedback into the product development life cycle, and working with industry to ensure that NGS’ authoritative models and tools are accessible in commercial geospatial software. Galen was the project manager for GEOID18 and the GPS on Benchmarks program to crowd-source data for the 2022 Transformation Tool. He holds Master’s Degrees in Environmental Science and Policy from Johns Hopkins University and Environmental Science and Management from the University of Rhode Island. 

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